ALES Graduate Research Symposium – Previous Symposiums

Welcome to the 2023 ALES Graduate Research Symposium!

Welcome to the 2022 ALES Graduate Research Symposium!

The ALES GSA is hosting its sixth annual virtual research symposium for the graduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta.
Over 40 students will showcase their research work through live and prerecorded presentations. An informative session and a virtual career café will be hosted with both industry representatives and faculty alumni.

Announcement: Winners

In collaboration with our partners and with the help of faculty members, ALES GSA is announcing 4 (four) graduate students as winners of the sixth ALES Graduate Research Symposium.

ALES GSA Oral Winners
Session First Name and Last Name Department
1 Meghan Lim Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology
2 Dilrukshi Kombala Liyanage Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
3 Sunny Choi Renewable Resources



ALES GSA Poster Winner
Position First Name and Last Name Department
1st Bernardo Araujo Souto Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science


Webinar 1: March 24, 2022 at 9 AM MT

Program schedule

By clicking the attached file you will learn more about the schedule of these two days.

ALES GSA research symposium 2022 - Final Agenda

Thank you!

Webinar 2: March 25, 2022 at 9 AM MT

Abstracts Booklet

The 2022 symposium booklet - click the file below to read the research abstracts.


Gold Sponsors:

Silver sponsors:

Other sponsors:

Welcome to the 2021 ALES Graduate Research Symposium!

ALES GSA is hosting its fifth annual research symposium for the graduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta.
Over 25 students will showcase their research work through live and prerecorded presentations. Many prizes will be awarded these days thanks to our generous partners. Two speaker panels will be hosted - one with industry representatives about agtech and cleantech and a virtual career café with faculty alumni.


Announcement: Winners

In collaboration with our partners and with the help of faculty members, ALES GSA is announcing 7 (seven) graduate students as winners of the fifth ALES Graduate Research Symposium.

ALES GSA Oral Winners
Session First Name and Last Name Department
1 Kalli Herlein Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology
1 Wenbei Zhang Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology
2 Dilrukshi Kombala Liyanage Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
3 Yu Wang Renewable Resources



ALES GSA Poster Winners
Position First Name and Last Name Department
1st Marla Roth Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
2nd J. Duncan Giebelhouse Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
3rd Sunny Choi Renewable Resources


Abstracts Booklet

The 2021 symposium booklet - click the file below to read the research abstracts.

Abstracts Booklet - ALES GSA 2021

Symposium Agenda

By clicking the attached file you will learn more about the schedule of these two days.

ALES GSA Agenda 2021

Thank you!

Webinar 1: March 29, 2021 at 2 PM MT/4 PM ET

Gold Partners:



Webinar 2: March 30, 2021 at 2 PM MT/4 PM ET

Silver Partners: