On behalf of the ALES GSA Team, we want to thank everyone who came out to the ALES Graduate Research Symposium 2024. It was a huge success and our biggest event to date! We counted approximately 250 attendees over two days!
Join us on March 19 and 20th!
Time: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm March 19, until 3:00pm March 20
Location: ETLC E6-059 (posters) & 064 (oral presentations)

Information for Presenters
Speakers and presenters are expected to check in at the front desk by the entry way and receive their name tags prior to the start of their session.
Please note that no personal devices should be connected to the projector. A presenter may choose to bring a copy of their presentation on a flash drive should there be technical issues. Presenters are welcome to pre-view their slides any time during the session breaks.
Student Prize Competition:
All students who submitted an abstract for presenting are automatically enrolled into the student competition for best presenters. Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony on March 20, 2024.
Award prizes are as follows:
Oral presentations:
1st place: $200
2nd place: $100
3rd place: $50
Poster presentations:
1st place: $200
2nd place: $100
3rd place: $50
People’s Choice for Poster: $50
People’s Choice for Poster:
Except for poster judges, everyone who attends the event may vote for their favourite poster on the first day of the symposium during poster session at 12:00pm – 1:30pm.
Voters may choose to enter their names and contact information on the ballot to be included in the draw for door prizes.
Door prizes:
At the end of the first day (3:45 pm March 19, 2024) and during the closing ceremony on the second day (2:30pm March 20, 2024), there will be door prizes to be won. Winners will be selected for a lucky draw when they cast their ballots for the People’s Choice for Poster. Winners must be present to receive the door prize.
Any questions regarding the event can be directed to
During the event, questions may also be directed to any of the executive team members wearing an “ALES GSA Executive” nametag.

Thank you to the following ALES departments for supporting the ALES GSA Research Symposium:
- Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science
- Human Ecology
- Renewable Resources
- Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology
Thanks as well to our other U of A partners:
- Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research
- Graduate Students’ Association
- Faculty of Engineering
- University of Alberta Student Success Centre
External partners:
- Garneau Chiropractic Health Clinic