The Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences Graduate Students’ Association (ALES GSA) was founded in 2015 and consists of a president, three vice presidents and four departmental representatives with their own portfolios.
The organization's general purpose is to provide graduate students in the Faculty of ALES with opportunities for involvement, service, leadership, and professional development.
- Represent its members.
- Develop, design and organize programs that promote members’ interests.
- Liaise with Graduate Students’ Association and other student bodies.
- Provide focus to members' interests and promote equity, diversity and inclusion.
- Provide recreation and fellowship to members.
- Provide a meeting place for consideration and discussion of questions affecting members’ interests.
- Disseminate information to members.
- Provide a peer support group for members.
- Promote and protect the interest of the membership.
- Select graduate student representatives to wider committees in the Faculty of ALES.